As valued donors of the Central Carolina Community College (推荐正规买球平台) Foundation, your collective support has not only touched our hearts but has also ignited a beacon of hope and opportunity for countless individuals within our community.

Your commitment to our cause is nothing short of remarkable. Your recent contributions have allowed us to continue our mission of empowering students through education, and creating avenues for personal and professional growth that transcend barriers and illuminate futures. Your belief in our vision has served as a catalyst for change, driving innovation and progress in every aspect of our work.

Thanks to your unwavering support, we have been able to provide scholarships to deserving students, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their pursuit of knowledge and achievement. Your contributions have also facilitated the development of vital programs and initiatives that enrich the academic experience and equip our students with the skills and resources they need to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Beyond the tangible impact of your donations lies a profound ripple effect, touching the lives of individuals and communities in ways that extend far beyond the walls of our institution. Your collective investment in education inspires others to believe in the transformative power of learning and a brighter, more promising future for generations to come.

On behalf of the entire 推荐正规买球平台 community, we extend our deepest gratitude to you for your generosity, your kindness, and your unwavering commitment to our shared vision. Your support is a testament to the boundless potential that lies within each of us, and it is through your contributions that we are able to harness that potential and turn dreams into realities.

As we continue on our journey of empowerment and enlightenment, please know that your support will always be cherished and celebrated as an integral part of our success story. Together, we are building a legacy of opportunity, innovation, and excellence that will endure for years to come.

580 Craft Beer, LLC
Abby Bridges and Fedd Walker
Abundant Exchange Services
Ace Services
Adam Wade
Alan Kratz
Albert Lockamy
Alex Dowdy
Amanda Carter
Amy Berrier
Amy Gustavson
Andrea Bowers
Andrew Walser
Andy Phillips
Angela Estes
Angela Person
Angelette E. McIver
Anja Tigges
Anne O'Shaughnessy

Aqua America, Inc.
Arnold Carter, Jr.
Ashleigh Ikemoto
Astellas Gene Therapies
Atwater & Lee, LLP
Barbara Bera
Barbara Bertram
Barbara Perry 
Barbara Simpson
Barbara Wyatt
Bear Creek Arsenal
Becky Finken
Ben Falero
Ben Rankin
Bernard Robinson & Company, LLP
Beth Gardner
Bianka Rhodes Stumpf
Bill and Hazel Freeman
Billy R. Cameron
BJ Thompson

Blandonia Presbyterian Church
Bold Companies
Brandon Russell
Brandy Fleming
Brannon Schlitz BBQ
Brian Bridgers
Bullard Septic Service
Buzzard Law Firm
C & D Insurance Service, Inc.
C.J. and Heather Winslow
CAGC Foundation
Cameron Sharpe
Cape Fear River Adventures
Cargo Control USA
Carl and Wendy W. Bryan, Jr.
Carolina Commercial Contractors, LLC
Carolina Dumpsters
Cary H. Johnston
推荐正规买球平台 EOP
CE Group

Center for Academic Excellence
Central Carolina Pressure Washing
Central Carolina Tri-County Reentry County
Central Electric Membership Corporation
Chapel Hill Tire Company
Charity Barbee
Charles Schwab
Charli Wicker
Chatlee Boat & Marine
Chet and Missi Mann
Christa Mashburn
Christi Copes
Christy Jones
Cindy and (Cynthia O.) Page
City of Sanford Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Claudia Farnandez
Clement E. and Kathy T. Medley, Jr.
Clifford R. and Diane Tilley
Connie Wilkie
Cristy Holmes
Crystal Glenn
Crystal Smith
Dan and Laura Denning
Dane Peterson
Daniel Egbert
Daryl Walker
Davenport & Company, LLC
David and Chialing Hsu Malenick
David Haire
David N. James
David Schiff
Deep River Sporting Clays
Del F. and Glenda Jones
Denise Martin
Dennis A. and Alisa Wicker
Dental Program
Diana Valencia
Doris Jackson
Dorsey Chamblee

Drew Goodson
Duke Energy Employee Giving
E.B. Dyer
Eastern Carolina Medical Center
Edgar and Martha Underwood
Edward Mercer
Elaine Wilderson
Elite Storage
Elizabeth Ann Whitmore
Elizabeth Swaringen
Emily Hare
Enterprise Risk Management
Epic Manufacturing Solutions
Erika Parker
Exchange Club of Sanford
Fae Goodman
First Bank
First Citizens Bank
First Health of the Carolinas
Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC, Inc.
Frank Gillette
Frank Golden
Frank M. Gilliam, Jr.
Fred and Barbara Wilson, Jr.
Friends of NCVMA
Fruit of the Spirit Ministry
Gabby Murillo
Gail F. Urbanek
Galloway Ridge Chatham County Charitable Fund Committee - Community Grant Program Fund
Galloway Ridge, Inc.
Gary B. and Janet Beasley
Gary Moore
Genia Morris
George and Jane Lucier
George Auman
George R. Grant, Jr.
Gerald O. and Susan F. Bouchard
Ginger H. Bartholomew
Glenn and Heidi L. Shearin

Gordon Anderson
Gordon Springle
Grants Receipts
Greenwood Elementary PTO
Greg and Laney Golden
Greg Brusso
Gregory Cox
Gregory Poole Equipment Company
Harnett County Arts Council
Hayes B. and Barbara Holmes
Hayes, Williams, Turner & Daughtry Attys.
Heather McKenzie
Helix Ventures
Hobbs Architects
Holmes Oil Company
Human Resource Mgt. Club
Hurricane Region Porsche Club of America
Industrial Finishing Specialists
J. David and Sherry Fisher, Jr. DDS
J. Keith Smith, M.D. and Lisa Jones
J. Thomas Engineering
Jack S. Walker
Jaime McLeod
James and Gloria French
James S. Mitchener
James Thomas
Jamie Ferguson
Jamie Kelly
Janet L. Zurbach
Jason Stephenson
Jason Ziebart
Jeanne J. Buie
Jeffery L. and Beth Yow
Jennifer Alexander
Jennifer Dillon
Jennifer Haslup
Jennifer Servi-Roberts
Jessica Gonzales
Jim Miller

Jim Turner
Jim Womack
Jimmie Boggs
Joe Clancy
Joel K. and Judy P. Budd
Joel Oldham
John and Mardie Sauls, II
John Fang
John Redding
John Shontz
John T. and Susan Truelove Bonardi
John Wood
Johnson Masonry
Joleen Reiter
Jon Matthews
Jonathan Greer
Jonathan White
Jones Printing Company, Inc.
Jordan Carter
Joshua Johnson
Judith H. Hallman
Judy McNeill
Julia G. Jacobs
Julian Philpott and Cynthia McFadden
Kaleigh Shipman

Kandice Pedley
Kar Kraft
Karen Minter
Karen Ricker
Karen S. Gulledge
Karen Sasser
Kathy Bivins
Kathy Gelb
Kathy Sheffield
Katrina Coble
Keisha and Jeffrey L. Petty
Keith Flood
Keith Whitfield
Kel and Parker Normann
Kelly Dorman
Ken Hoyle
Kendall Cumbee
Kesler Roberts
Kim Almond
Kim Thorne
Kimberly Overcash
Kiwanis Club of Sanford
Kristi Short
Kristi Vlahos
L. W. (Bobby) and Linda C. Powell

Larkin Wobbe
Larry and Anne Collins
Larry and Gladys McAuley
Larry S. and Elizabeth O'Connell
Laura and Leon Musselwhite
Lauren Weaver
Laurie Conaty
LBM, Inc.
Lee Bowman
Lee Brick & Tile Co., Inc.
Lee Bryant
Lee County Arts Council
Lee-Moore Capital Company
Leslie Mattews
Leslie Oldham
Linda and Walter Harris
Linda McEachron
Linda Summey
Lisa M. and Jeffrey A. Chapman
Lisa Smelser
Liz and Billy Wicker
Lois Pittard
Lora Long
Lorraine Whitaker
LPH Media, LLC

Lucy Tucker
Lura R. and L. Curtis Burns
Lynn McFarland
Margaret Roberton
Mark and Lois Hayes Chamblee
Mark and Ruth Stewart
Mark Hall
Mark Reinemann
Mary Ann Reeves Larsen
Mary Burke
Mary Kuhn
Mary Ross Lindsey
Mary Schmid-Carter
Maryann Aucompaugh
Matthew S. and Becky Garrett
Meghan Brown
Melissa and Glenn Godfrey
Melissa L. Fogarty
Melissa Reeves Raley
Merrill Lynch
Michael Novak
Michael Parnell
Michael Swartz
Mike and Peggy Hendley
Mike Dussault
Milton Realty Group
Minerva Whitfield
Mitchell Dowdy
Moore County Kennel Club
Morris Duke Stewart, PA
Multitech Mechanical Support, Inc.
Nan Moretz
NC Biotechnology Center
Neal B. and Ann M. Kightlinger
Neil Coggins
Neil McGowan
New York Life
Nick Sullivan
Nomar's Kennel
Norma Collins
Normann Financial Group
Nutan Varma
P.R. Faulk Electrical Corporation
Pam Byrd
Pam Webster
Pamela Riddle
Patricia Anderson
Patricia Diane Valas
Patricia Hamilton
Penny Shoun
Pentair Water Pool & Spa

PHC Restoration, Inc.
Phi Theta Kappa 
Phillip J. and Laura Bradley
Phillip Price
Phyllis Perkins Henry
Piedmont Coastal Society of Plastics Eng.
Pittsboro Kiwanis Club
Post, Foushee & Patton
Preston Development Company
Propane Education and Research Council
R.V. and Bunnie Hight
Ray Bode
Rebeccah Wickerham
Reid Barker
Richard Love
Richard M. Chapman
Robert A. and Judith Wicker
Robert H. and Anne McConville
Robert H. and Frances T. Petty
Roberta Wilder
Robin and Mark Walker
Robin Kohanowich
Robin Smith
Robyn Carpenter
Rodney and Diane Harrill
Ron and Debbie Miriello
Ronnie Measamer
Rosemary Pylant
Rotary Club of Lillington
Roy Allen
Ruby and Ernest McSwain Worthy Lands Trust
Ruby M. Stroud
Ryan Woodburn
Samuel P. and Lynda Turbeville Gaskins
Sandra Bowen
Sandra C. Yarber
Sandra Castonguay
Sandra Otten
Sanford BPW
Sanford Contractors, Inc.
Sanford Dermatology
Sanford Honda
Sanford Pediatric Dentistry
Sanford Real Estate
Sara Newcomb
Sarah Shannon-Mohamed
Seana Laverentz
Service Building Supply
Sharon Gordon
Shelly Watkins
Skyblue Orthodontics
Smith's Coffee and Premium Water

Stan Taylor
Stan Turbeville
State Employees’ Credit Union
Stephanie Davis
Stephen Wegulo
Steve Brusso
Steve Heesacker
Steve Malone
Steven R. Carter, M.D.
Student Government Association Fund
Sue Clark
Susan Johnson
Susan Macklin
T. Eston “Bud” Marchant 
Tahesia C. Carter
Tammie Quick
Tart Law Group
Taylor Vorbeck
Teresa Yarborough
The Healthy Hangout
The Shed Depot of NC
The Smoke and Barrel
Thomas M. and Shirley Joyner
Tiffany Needham
Timothy Barnes
Tobie Laskowski
Tom and Tana Boerger
Tom F. Miriello
Tommy and Brenda Keller
Tommy Holder
Trinity Manufacturing, Inc.
United Bank
United Community Bank
United Way of Lee County
Veterinary Association Management, Inc.
Vicky and Frank Clark
Vicky Stark Wesner
Victoria Sweat
Virginia E. Hester
Vivian McRae
W. Paul Mitchum, D.D.S.
W. Wayne Staton, Jr.
Ward & Foust CPAs PA
Wayne H. Rhinehart
Wilkinson Automotive
William Gahagan
William L. and Nancy Oelrich
William P. and Jennifer B. Tatum
William P. and Jinger Gibson
Wilson & Reives
Worsley Golf Carts
Wren Foundation, Inc.

Education empowers: Invest in their future

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